Saturday, July 10, 2010

New Blog: Nothing But Tombstones

When one blog just isn't enough, what do you do? Create a new one!

I invite my genealogy friends and followers to visit my new blog, Nothing But Tombstones. I have enough tombstone photographs to last for about ten years worth of Geneabloggers' Tombstone Tuesdays that I decided to create a new blog just for tombstone and cemetery photographs that I've taken over the years.

Since many of the tombstone photographs are kin and other relation, I will post some brief biographical information to accompany the tombstone photo.

I'm just getting started with the blog, but would appreciate it it my blogger colleagues will take a couple minutes to check it out and perhaps sign up to follow the blog.


  1. Just found your blogs and enjoyed them. Am passing the links on to two NE genie researchers I know. Deb

  2. Hi Deborah - thank you for checking out my blogs. I'm always interested in touching base with other Nebraska researchers.
